DIY Gryffindor House Banner (Harry Potter)

Hey Katie! Here is how I made a DIY Gryffindor Banner! Note this DIY will take longer than 5 minutes. Just depends on how fast you are at hand sewing. I’d suggest watching Harry Potter while you do this DIY! And you can do it for any Hogwarts or Ilvermorny House!

Things you need:

Scarlet Felt*
Gold Felt*
Gryffindor Font Template
Fabric Scissors*
Banner Template
Sewing Machine (Optional)*
Sewing Needles*

links with * are affiliate links.

Trace the banner template onto scarlet felt. Make sure to trace one banner out for every letter in the house name.

Cut out the banner flags.

Cut out the “Gryffindor” font template and trace them backwards onto the gold felt. Then cut them out.

Take one banner flag and fold the top down about 1 inch and pin it to create a loop for the twine. I used a broken clothespin measured to an inch to make sure everything is even. Do this for every banner piece.

Sew a straight line along the edge. You can use a sewing machine or hand sew. Remove pins and cut them apart.

Place the gold letters in the center of the banner flag and pin in place. Take your needle and matching gold thread, tie a few knots at the end and whipstitch the letter to the banner flag.

How to whipstitch

Whipstitch all letters to the banner flags.

Once you are done stitching the letters to the banners, lay them out in the correct order.

Take the twine and tie it to a safety pin or bobby pin to help push the twine through the loops.

Thread all banners with the twine Measure out about 13-14 inches on each side of the banner flags and tie a loop at the ends.

Use push pins or nails and hang the loops on your wall where ever you want to hang your banner.

Center and adjust the flags.